Businesses in today’s world cannot survive without the use of Internet. Whatever be the size of the organization, it is imperative that they have web presence and that their workforce is well-connected using a proper network system. Major organizations are shifting towards a cloud based network since that provides the freedom and flexibility of accessing the internal network of the organization from any place and allows teams to operate in a close-knot fashion even while being geographically separated. However, with all these changes happening there is an obvious requirement – that of IP addresses for every authenticated device. Use of large number of devices to access any network means that the IP address management software installation becomes imperative.
So, what should you expect your IP address management software to be like in 2017? Here are a few important features that must make it to the list.
IPv4/IPv6 Support – IPv4 is not yet completely obsolete and IPv6 has already started making its mark. Even though the last of the IPv4 addresses have been given out, there is enough in hand of the service providers to ensure that IPv4 is not phased out just yet. However, with no more IPv4 addresses to be given out, the IPv6 is the next choice available to many. There has also been transition happening at varied pace across the world. Since the IPv4 and IPv6 addressing systems are completely different from each other, you will require a IPAM system that supports both IPv4 as well as IPv6. The transition is inevitable. It will be wise to make the necessary changes to your office network if you have not done that yet.
Better Automation – The automated system has made the work of the network administrators a lot easier. It 2017 it is expected that the IPAM software will further improve and improve the automated process. One of the most important functions of the IP address management software is to give out IP addresses to the various systems that are accessing the network. While this sounds simple, with a vast network the process becomes highly complex. If there are issues like IP address conflict the entire network performance will suffer. Since the advent of various other smart devices that are used to access the Internet it has become highly important that the IPAM system gets better at handling complex network systems with a large number of devices. The leading IPAM software in 2017 is certainly going to ensure that.
Higher Security – Use of the intrinsic flaws of the DNS various attacks have been launched against many networks across the globe in recent years. One of the ways to prevent such a thing from happening to your business network is to have an IPAM system that will be able to ward of unauthorized accesses. It is only possible through the combination of DNS and DHCP to ensure that every system in the network has been authorized. There is also the requirement of keeping activity log to identify suspicious activity at the earliest.
If your business does not have the latest IP address management software yet, 2017 will be a good time to invest in this development.